Session Not Created...again

I have upgraded to Studio 11.2.23. I am running code that worked on Studio 10.66. I am using an IOS physical device. When I use the Studio UI, it sees the phone w/o issue. I open my app on the phone and see the instrumentation (see the RED). I run the code and I get the following error log:

java.lang.AssertionError: session not created (failed to launch com.mobileheartbeat.mhcure.enterprise, because it is not installed on the device (reportUrl=/Users/wakelt/appiumstudio-reports/reports/test318)) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)

The bundle is clearly on the phone.

My code to create the driver:

DesiredCapabilities dc = new DesiredCapabilities();
dc.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.UDID, “de26b951ae4075f8ee712fa73b22f65ba182c2d7”);
dc.setCapability(IOSMobileCapabilityType.BUNDLE_ID, iosBundleID);
dc.setCapability(IOSMobileCapabilityType.LAUNCH_TIMEOUT, 30000); //30 seconds
dc.setCapability(SeeTestCapabilityType.INSTRUMENT_APP, true);
IOSDriver iosDriver = new IOSDriver(new URL(appiumServerURL), dc);

This worked on 10.66. Is there something else I need to do given the 11.2.23 appium server ?
(which I installed in a new folder, keep the old version around just in case)

If I add install the app in non-instrumented mode, the app runs (but the test fails for obvious reasons).

What am I missing ?


I should add that the same code does work on the ios simulator. (only difference is using simulator as opposed to physical device).

Hi Walter,

Add the following line to your dc:
dc.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.APP, "<PATH_TO_IPA_FILE>");

This is the best way to make sure that the app is installed on the device.

Let us know if you keep having issues with launching the app.

Hi Nivi;

Several questions:

1: the code works as is using 10.66, why would 11.2.23 be any different ?? If I load the code non-instrumented, the application is launched.

2: how do I find the path on an ios device, and will it be the same path on ALL ios devices I load it onto ? The bundleId should be good enough.

I want to understand the real problem here.


Waiting for feedback

I’ve done more homework on this one:

1: doesn’t seem like BUNDLE_ID works with 11.2.23 on a real device. Works with Simulator
2: the .APP suggestion above is not practical since we don’t want to load the Application with every test.
Takes too long.
3: while trying the .APP suggestion above, I noticed that if I create the Physical ios device first, then create the Simulator device, things see to be okay. If I create the Simulator then the Physical device I get the following error message:
java.lang.AssertionError: invalid session id (A session is either terminated or not started (b570b7a4-cae4-47de-98dd-e974f205b907)) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
Command duration or timeout: 35 milliseconds

There are clearly a few bug(s) in the appium server (I didn’t see these issues in 10.66). Anyone interested in taking a look so we can get this fixed ?

Just to inform folks…there is an issue with BundleID’s in 11.2.23. Tom reproduced on his side. They are working on a fix and should reply back soon.

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Hi Team,

I’m using AS 11.2.32 with Java, still i am facing the same issue : failed to launch, because it is not installed on the device

please note that, same test working fine on Appium Studio, but when i export it eclipse, its not working.

Due to this, i am not able to run any of our test scripts :frowning:

please someone help me to overcome this

many thanks in advance!


Hi Team

I have two different ‘.ipa’ file one file having bundle id as ‘com.STTLEnterprise.sharkid’ and other has ‘com.silvertouch.ContactTigerShark’.
Application is able to launch with ‘com.STTLEnterprise.sharkid’ bundleId but when I use ‘com.silvertouch.ContactTigerShark’ bundleID it gives error failed to launch com.silvertouch.ContactTigerShark, because it is not installed on the device

here bundleID is working fine with one application but not working with other one.

Please resolve it as soon as possible because it is very major issue and blocking my script development.


There is a bug that we have identified in your version

I’ve added the final release candidate, can you please verify that it resolves your issue

Thanks a lot Tom!

Now am able to install and launch my iOS app without any issues :slight_smile:

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great! :slight_smile:

I’m happy to hear, we will update the forum with the final release in about a week time

Thanks you very much Tom

Issue has be resolved now.