Open device failed

I have registered Ipad but when opening device, I get an error: Could not restart Cyder after 6 times.

What does it mean? Should I install something more or?

I’m testing on MacBook Pro.


Looks like the Cyder app did not get installed properly (it get installed by Appium Studio automatically)

Please try uninstalling Appium Studio and installing it again .

Yes, that helped.
Cyder wasn’t installed although I have reinstall it once before.
Thank you :slight_smile:

I am facing this issue too. I have uninstalled Appium Studio and reinstall again many times but still get an error “Could not restart Cyder after 6 times.”. I am using IPhone 6+ iOS 11 on Mac. Please help me.


Try following,

  1. Uninstall Appium Studio
  2. Manually uninstall Cyder from u r Iphone
  3. Install again the latest

Did not help, you got other tips?

Please make sure you also “remove your provisioning profile too” and do the same action as before

  1. Uninstall Appium Studio
  2. Manually uninstall Cyder from u r Iphone
  3. Install again the latest

yes that worked now, but now i cannot add second android device that worked before :smiley: When i click add android device, a dialog appears and disappears after 0,1s so I don’t even know what it says. And that is all that happens. So now i have only one iPhone connected, but i need both android and iPhone device

Check this thread

yes that worked, perfect! Thank you very much