Maven dependency issue: Mising aritifact com.experitest:seetest-appium:jar:10.8

Currently using this dependany :


Uploading the screenshot below, where u can see both the highlighted errors:


You need to add the Experitest repository URL in your pom.xml file


Please provide documentation as to what would need to be done in a build.gradle file.

did the homework myself:

repositories {
url “”

Put the following in the dependencies closure:

compile group: 'com.experitest', name:'seetest-appium', version: '10.8'

Look forward to seeing 10.9.66+ available.

I updated our docs for the differences between Appium 10.8 \ 10.9

Tom, when I build using the info in the updated Gradle doc referenced above, the build fails. Seems the SeeTestCapability package is no longer found. Specifically I see the following error. Please advise.

7:42:38 AM: Executing external task ‘build’…
/Users/wakelt/codeProjects/rest-assured/src/main/java/cucumberSteps/dependencyinjections/ error: package com.experitest.appium does not exist
import com.experitest.appium.SeeTestCapabilityType;
/Users/wakelt/codeProjects/rest-assured/src/main/java/cucumberSteps/dependencyinjections/ error: cannot find symbol
dc.setCapability(SeeTestCapabilityType.TEST_NAME, testName);
symbol: variable SeeTestCapabilityType
location: class AppiumDemoInjections
/Users/wakelt/codeProjects/rest-assured/src/main/java/cucumberSteps/dependencyinjections/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable SeeTestCapabilityType
location: class AppiumDemoInjections
/Users/wakelt/codeProjects/rest-assured/src/main/java/cucumberSteps/dependencyinjections/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable SeeTestCapabilityType
location: class AppiumDemoInjections
/Users/wakelt/codeProjects/rest-assured/src/main/java/cucumberSteps/dependencyinjections/ error: cannot find symbol
dc.setCapability(SeeTestCapabilityType.DEVICE_QUERY, “@os=‘ios’ and @emulator=‘true’”);

you can fetch com.experitest:seetest-appium:10.8 if you still want to use the SeeTestCapabilityType

just make sure that if you are using 10.9 you are initializing AndroidDriver \ IOSDriver and not SeeTestAndroidDriver

AppiumDriver driver;
DesiredCapabilities dc = new DesiredCapabilities();
driver = new AndroidDriver (new URL("http://localhost:8090/wd/hub"),dc)

If we want to run our tests using “Instrumented Mode” and "emulator, won’t we need to:

dc.setCapability(SeeTestCapabilityType.INSTRUMENT_APP, true);
dc.setCapability(SeeTestCapabilityType.DEVICE_QUERY, “@os=‘ios’ and

Is this functionality in a different 10.9.x package ?? Seems this functionality should be carried along with each release of the codebase and not left behind in 10.8. Much cleaner from a code build perspective.

Your thoughts ?

the driver that you should work with in 10.9 is the native Appium Driver seetest-appium jar contains the native appium driver (4.1.2)

the only different between 10.8 \ 10.9 here is which driver are you initializing
capabilities are just Strings e.g - SeeTestCapabilityType.INSTRUMENT_APP = “instrumentApp”

So you could keep on using the enum if it makes more sense to you, or switch to the hard-coded string value (e.g “instrumentApp” Or “deviceQuery”)

That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. (I am new to Appium so I didn’t realize these capabilities existed in appium.

Hello @Tom, I have added the repository as you said but still getting the same problem as @nisha.

Can you please help me on this?

Hi Nadia,

can you please clarify what issue are you facing?

this is a very old post, it’s not required to import the seetest dependencies in most cases you can just use the appium JARS
e.g -

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Thank You @Tom , My problem is solved.