Is there any other way to find elements other than 'xpath' with Appium studio?

I am trying to automate a native android mobile application with Appium, JavaScript, Webdriverio. The Appium desktop was inconsistent and so, I switched to Appium Studio for Object identification as it has object spy. However, I am unclear as to which driver / capability is used and is there any other way except path to identify objects.

You can use all the standard By’s capabilities (id \ text etc.)

just follow the property in the spy and use it for the element descriptior

e.g - id=elementId will get translated to“elementId”)

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Thanks for the prompt reply, Tom.
I am trying to use one of the properties - resource ID but I am unable to copy it. Please check the screenshot attached.
It will be great if you could help me here. I might be missing something. 28 AM

@Tom I was able to get the IDs from the recorded script although the option was disabled.
Can you help me with the other question - Which Appium driver is used in Appium Studio?

Also, is there any JavaScript support for the tool by any chance?