"Untrusted Enterprise Developer" message and SeeTestCloud

  1. When I try to launch an app after installing it in one of the iPad devices in the cloud, I get the error “Untrusted Enterprise Developer”. Of course, I can’t open the settings menu in the iPad and trust it since this is disabled. Is there a way to get around this? I have tried a similar cloud testing service (BrowserStack) and the issue did not occur there. I was hoping that the app will work with ExperiTest cloud as well. Any help is really appreciated.

  2. After the testing is done in one of the cloud devices and we close the device (or release it), does the app that we installed stays on the device or does it get uninstalled? If not, will other cloud users see the app on that particular device? will they be able to interact with it?



  1. Thanks for reporting on the issue - We’ll need to provision your application on the cloud based devices

If you’ll check the “instrumented” checkbox, we will sign the application for you using our own profile and then you won’t have to provision it during the installation

dc.setCapability("instrumented",true); // use this in-order to sign the app on the fly using experitest profile
IOSDriver driver = new IOSDriver(url,dc);
driver.context("NATIVE_APP"); // to get back to your original non-instrumented context
  1. the application gets uninstalled from the device after you finish your session