I am unable to start the Appium Server, I am getting below error on Console. Can anyone please help?

Starting Node Server
main.js: error: argument “–avd”: Expected one argument. null
usage: main.js [-h] [-v] [–shell]
[–localizable-strings-dir LOCALIZABLESTRINGSDIR] [–app APP]
[–ipa IPA] [-U UDID] [-a ADDRESS] [-p PORT]
[-k] [-r BACKENDRETRIES] [–session-override] [–full-reset]
[–no-reset] [-l] [-lt LAUNCHTIMEOUT] [-g LOG]
[–log-level {info,info:debug,info:info,info:warn,info:error,warn,warn:debug,warn:info,warn:warn,warn:error,error,error:debug,error:info,error:warn,error:error,debug,debug:debug,debug:info,debug:warn,debug:error}]
[–log-timestamp] [–local-timezone] [–log-no-colors]
[-G WEBHOOK] [–native-instruments-lib]
[–app-wait-package ANDROIDWAITPACKAGE]
[–app-wait-activity ANDROIDWAITACTIVITY]
[–android-coverage ANDROIDCOVERAGE] [–avd AVD]
[–avd-args AVDARGS]
[–device-ready-timeout ANDROIDDEVICEREADYTIMEOUT] [–safari]
[–device-name DEVICENAME] [–platform-name PLATFORMNAME]
[–platform-version PLATFORMVERSION]
[–automation-name AUTOMATIONNAME] [–browser-name BROWSERNAME]
[–default-device] [–force-iphone] [–force-ipad]
[–language LANGUAGE] [–locale LOCALE]
[–calendar-format CALENDARFORMAT] [–orientation ORIENTATION]
[–instruments INSTRUMENTSPATH] [–show-sim-log]
[–show-ios-log] [–nodeconfig NODECONFIG] [-ra ROBOTADDRESS]
[-rp ROBOTPORT] [–selendroid-port SELENDROIDPORT]
[–chromedriver-port CHROMEDRIVERPORT]
[–chromedriver-executable CHROMEDRIVEREXECUTABLE]
[–use-keystore] [–keystore-path KEYSTOREPATH]
[–keystore-password KEYSTOREPASSWORD] [–key-alias KEYALIAS]
[–key-password KEYPASSWORD] [–show-config] [–no-perms-check]
[–command-timeout DEFAULTCOMMANDTIMEOUT] [–keep-keychains]
[–strict-caps] [–isolate-sim-device] [–tmp TMPDIR]
[–trace-dir TRACEDIR] [–intent-action INTENTACTION]
[–intent-category INTENTCATEGORY] [–intent-flags INTENTFLAGS]
[–dont-stop-app-on-reset] [–debug-log-spacing]
[–suppress-adb-kill-server] [–async-trace]

Node Server Process Ended

if you are working with Appium studio, then there is no need for you to start the native Appium server since we have our own embedded server

you just need to start Appium Studio

for more info https://docs.experitest.com/display/AS/Run+your+existing+Appium+tests

Hi Tom,
Thanks for your reply. Just for your information that i just record the steps using Appium Studio and i copied it into the eclipse editor. When I try to run the script by starting Appium server at that particular time i got this error in the Appium server console not in Appium Studio.

can you share the code snippet that you are trying to run? this error is returned from Appium standard Server edition, when you try to launch it with an Android emulator

my guess is that you are trying to integrate with an existing framework and in the setup of a test, it is starting a new appium server…

Please try to copy the code into eclipse without incorporating it to an existing framework (just as a test…)

you can try our tutorial
