Cross Platform Element Location Strategy

We’re building 2 native applications, IOS and Android. I’d like the automated test code to be as similar as possible across platforms. What is the recommended practice for cross platform element location ?? Should we have a “unique, custom” property that would be associated with each element so that it can be easily xpath’d on two platforms ? Use accessability id (can the Experitest Appium Server translate this into something that can be used on Android ? If so, what ? ?? Is there a better or simpler mechanism ? I’d like to provide a strategy before the coders being implementation. thnx

Hi @wakelt

There are some good examples online for implementing cross platform testing:
GitHub Projects:

  1. Appium Cross Platform Example
  2. Appium Cross Platform Example - 2
  3. Fastip App Cross Platform Example

Cross platform testing example for Appium

@nivi, thanks for the response