Xpath not working captured for hybrid mobile application

Hi Tom,

We are wrking on Hybrid mobile application testing and i have some scripts already running in Robot framework using Apoium library. Now i changed the appium server to point to Appium studio. The Application is getting launched, but the xpath which are constructed from chrome browser or Selenium IDE is not working while executing the scripts. The same works when pointing to the Appium server.

Can you please help me on this.

I am getting the below error

ValueError: Element locator ‘xpath=//*[@id=‘setup-wizard’]/div/div[2]/span/button[2]/i’ did not match any elements

can you open the application on the screen where you expect to find the aforementioned element, point on allow me to see the properties that describe the element

BTW, are you using instrumentation for your application?
do you pass the capability


before you launch \ install?

Inside the Object Properties Spy window there is a checkbox named Instrumented, try to check/uncheck and get the XPath of the element again.

In some hybrid App’s works.

edit: correct typo