Unable to send entered text using android keypad

One scenario where i am sending some text using computer keyboard
driver.getKeyboard().sendKeys(“Hello my friend”);

But by pressing enter from keyboard the text doesn’t send so i have to use android keyboard whose “Enter” key is used as “send” key. But as the appium studio is unable to identify the xpath for “enter” or “send” key, so i am unable to perform this scenario.
Any help would appreciated.

can you review the post :

Also, you can try running the command "

driver.executeScript("client:client.sendText('{ENTER}'"); //it might work

Hello Tom,
i am using android device(Pixel) and Object property spy is set as - Native(Non-instrumented).
i used the above suggested scripts also but still its not working.

can you share a screenshot of the keyboard element that you want to click on (Done \ Enter key), when the object spy is opened?



this is a custom keyboard implementation for the app (the send button is special)

this is why our method don’t work on this

you can try implementing a logic to click on the coordinates of the screen where the button is located

something like

TouchAction a2 = new TouchAction();
a2.Tap (100, 100).Perform();