Switching to WEBVIEW context in Appium Studio

I’m automating a test in Chrome browser running on real Android device.The way our devs created the tested web site not allowing me to operate with web elements using generic .click(), it just ignoring this kind of action .

However, i have recorded the test with Appium Studio and from code provided i see that .click() does works if Studio first switching the context to WEBVIEW_1!

So i was trying to switch to it in my Java code from IntelliJ on same Android Device and the context i received was NATIVE_APP and CHROMIMUM. What kind of sorcery is that? :open_mouth: How Appium Studio switching to the context that is not existing and makes .click() work?? Please help!

Thank you!

It is magic :slight_smile:

the fact is that you we have two sets of drivers that we are implementing

please try to alternate between the following configurations :

in your code try out both options




let me know if something worked out for oyu