Stupid String extraction issue

Hello :slight_smile:

I’m facing a stupid issue while trying to extract an Element String.

Element Origin = הצעות נדל״ן
AppiumStudio xPath Extraction = “//[@text=concat(‘הצעות נדל’, ‘"’, ‘ן’)]"
Alternative option (which does not work) = "//
[@text=‘הצעות נדל״ן’]”

When the Automation tries to interact with the element it throws a Java Script exception

org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: javascript error (javascript error. :1:110 Missing close quote
client.swipeWhileNotFound(“DOWN”,450,1000,“NATIVE”,"//*[@text=concat(‘הצעות נדל’, ‘"’, ‘ן’)]",0,1000,10,false)
^ in at line number 1 at column number 110)


this looks like an escaping issue

you could try

client.swipeWhileNotFound("DOWN",450,1000,"NATIVE","//*[contains(@text,'הצעות נדל' )]

I guess it’ll work :slight_smile:

You are the Best !

Thanks Tom :slight_smile: