Jenkins - Appium Studio

Hey, i want to integrate Jenkins with my Appium studio project, i can do that? there is any tutorial for that?
i can integrate my project without using Thanks


I suggest to look into this page on how to get started with Jenkins.

Steps to get started:

  1. Install and run Jenkins
  2. Have your own Project, or fork OUR sample project

Then there are some configuration that needs to be done, but not to worry, all you need to know is in this page.

The reason why you would want to integrate it with is so that it can work with the devices from the cloud.
I have not personally tried without but I believe you could try and run against any local devices you have, in that case you would need to have Appium Studio open with a Device connected, as Appium Studio acts as a local server, and in your test simply point to your local server which is most likely this:

driver = new AndroidDriver<>(new URL("http://localhost:4723/wd/hub"));

Then again, I am not entirely sure, perhaps someone can share their thoughts and experience?