How to tap multiple times with 2 fingers in appium iOS

I want to tap 3-4 times on a single location with two fingers so that I can get a secret path in application. Is it possible to do it in appium studio for ios applications and not getting solutions for this problem.

If somebody has some idea about this, please give the solution.

You can try something like this:

    for (int i=0; i < 4; i++) {
        driver.tap(2, 540, 1000, 100); // number of fingers, x coordinate , y coordinate , time
        System.out.println( i + " click");

Thanks @stef for the reply. But while tapping it takes time even I changed the time “0”, still it is taking time. I need to tap on a single location frequently.

Do you have any solution for this?

@varsha Its taking time because for loop… Try without loop like this:

    driver.tap(2, 500, 850, 10);
    driver.tap(2, 500, 850, 10);
    driver.tap(2, 500, 850, 10);
    driver.tap(2, 500, 850, 10);

I tried the same, not working.

even I use driver.tap(2, 500, 850, 1);
it takes same time.