Gradle dependency for 11.x


What is the gradle repo/dependency for 10.9 and 11.x ?? Is there a spot on the Experitest site where this type of info resides ?


Hi Walter,

Below please find the the basic build.gradle structure required for defining repo and dependencies:

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'maven'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
repositories {
     maven { url "" }
     maven { url "" }
dependencies {
    compile group: 'com.experitest', name: 'appium', version:'4.1.2'

Let us know if you come across any issues with retrieving dependencies or building your project.

Thanks Nivi ! It be useful to have the Gradle info on the Experitest Appium Studio support pages the same way the POM info is provided.

Regarding the gradle info above, I can’t access the experitest cloud thus can’t get at the repo.

Hi Walter,

I will make sure to update Appium Studio support pages with the relevant information. Thanks for your input.

Fetching dependencies from doesn’t require you to sign up or access the cloud (if I understand you correctly). When you tried to run gradle build, did you encounter any errors or exceptions indicating that dependencies could not be fetched?

yes, the link result in an http 404…can’t find it. Thus, I am stuck until this is corrected. Look forward to hearing from you.

Also, I’d like access to the com.experitest.appium.SeeTestCapabilityType package to support previously created tests.

Hi Walter.

The link results in 404 as it is not meant to be directly accessed. Rather it is the repository from which you obtain the dependencies.

If you run the command gradle build in the command line or if you build the project from the IDE, gradle will look up the url and fetch the dependencies.

The question is, when you try to build the project using Gradle, are you getting any errors in the console or any exceptions?

To add SeeTestCapability to your project, add the following dependency:
compile group: 'com.experitest', name: 'seetest-appium', version:'10.8'

Depending on the IDE you are using, you will have to run the Gradle build / refresh process in order to fetch the dependencies:


Ends up this may be an Intellij issue. If I run “gradle build” from command line, the build works fine. However if I run the gradle build within Intellij, I see the follow notification:

8:57 AM Unindexed remote maven repositories found. Disable…
The following repositories used in your gradle projects were not indexed yet:
If you want to use dependency completion for these repositories artifacts,
Open Repositories List, select required repositories and press “Update” button

Hi Walter,

Some report that it is a bug in Intellij and that updating to the latest build solved it.

The instructions at the bottom of the notification also helped some users to update the repository.

Go to File → Settings → Build, Execution, Deployment → Build Tools → Maven → Repositories

Look for a date under updated. It may be blank for Select the repo and click update.

seems that Intellij is expecting the Experitest repo to provide a file called:

The message above seems to be telling us that this file is not being supplied by the repo. Supplying this file is considered optional, and Intellij does allow for this notification to be disabled.