Getting error while is getting installed upon opening the device

Hi all

Getting the below error when trying to open the connected device in Appium studio. Kindly help.
Note - I am able to see that the status of the device is ready. But this happens when I try to open the reflection.


Could not install application. ApplicationVerificationFailed :
Failed to verify code signature of
taging/temp.ENTkxn/extracted/Payload/ : 0xe8008018 (The
identify used to sign the executable is no longer valid.)


The status is READY though.

Have you used valid iOS developer account the paid account gives the best results ?

How have you configured iOS developer account ?

Yes I do have a paid account. And have registered it in appium studio using app-specific password…
And I believe thats why am I able to see the device in READY status… just that iam not able to open it

The error what you pasted one of the symptoms I believe one for the symptoms is iOS profile configuration.

And did you try adding any other device and attempted to open the device ? If you did not can you attempt it . This is just to discard if things are not working in this specific device.

Are you using Appium Studio 12.6 ?

Yeah I’m trying out different options mate. I am just trying to do a clean uninstall (after clearing all appium studio cache) and then in the process of upgrading to the latest version - 12.6.5233. Will let you know how it goes.
The problem I see is that appium studio is still using my old certificate to sign the cyder.ipa during agent installation process (that happens once when we try to open the device).
And yes, this is happening for all the devices.